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These pages contain a set of tools and resources that can help you set up and use Horizon3 services.

Validating Checksums

You’ll find that tools distributed here come with a download and a checksum file. The download file is the actual file you’ll use, and the checksum file is a SHA256 checksum used to verify the first download completed correctly and came from

Given the nature of our industry, we encourage anyone downloading files that claim to come from to verify their checksums against the ones posted in this site.

Following are some simple steps to do that.


Most Linux distributions come with a sha256sum command line utility that reads a checksum file, computes the checksum against the file it represents, and returns OK if they match. Just run the command below with both files in the same directory:

sha256sum -c *.sha256.checksum
Sample output:
nodezero@nodezero:~$ sha256sum -c *.sha256.checksum
NodeZero-1717717928.ova: OK OK


Just like with Linux, MacOS comes with a utility called shasum that works in a similar way. Run the following command with both files in the same directory:

shasum -c *.sha256.checksum
Sample output:
horizon3@mac:~$ shasum -c *.sha256.checksum
NodeZero-1717717928.ova: OK


Windows Powershell has their own utility, and you have to use a more complex command. Run the following command with both files in the same directory:

Get-Content -Path .\*.sha256.checksum | % {$Hash, $_, $File = $_.Split(" ", 3); if ($Hash) { [PSCustomObject]@{Path=$File; Result=if ((Get-FileHash -Path $File -Algorithm SHA256).Hash -eq $Hash) { "OK" } else { "FAILED" }}}} | Format-List
Sample output:
PS C:\Users\horizon3\Downloads> Get-Content -Path .\*.sha256.checksum | % {$Hash, $_, $File = $_.Split(" ", 3); if ($Hash) { [PSCustomObject]@{Path=$File; Result=if ((Get-FileHash -Path $File -Algorithm SHA256).Hash -eq $Hash) { "OK" } else { "FAILED" }}}} | Format-List

Path   :
Result : OK

Path   : NodeZero-1717717928.ova
Result : OK

PS C:\Users\horizon3\Downloads>

Windows manual

This is an alternative, but you have to manually compare the output of the following command with the contents of the checksum file yourself:

more .\NodeZero-1717717928.ova.sha256.checksum; Get-FileHash .\NodeZero-1717717928.ova -Algorithm SHA256
Sample output:
PS C:\Users\horizon3\Downloads> more .\NodeZero-1717717928.ova.sha256.checksum; Get-FileHash .\NodeZero-1717717928.ova -Algorithm SHA256
e4cf95e4c4acfbf151361e803e361ca1c6bb2a35c20ae85b4d7e8af217efa6ca  NodeZero-1717717928.ova

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----
SHA256          E4CF95E4C4ACFBF151361E803E361CA1C6BB2A35C20AE85B4D7E8AF217EFA6CA       C:\Users\horizon3\Downloa...

PS C:\Users\horizon3\Downloads>